Love, Success & Happiness -- This is what I wish people when they get married, celebrate a birthday or for newborns.
However, before my Legacy journey I had some love, some success and not enough happiness. From the outside my life was working just fine. Although I was married to a wonderful man for 18 years, ran my own successful 12 year old business and was healthy I was feeling incomplete, unworthy, like there was more to life. So where was the Happiness? Where was the Passion? Why did the voice in my head sound so negative. Why did I feel sad so often?
Throughout the journey the layers of the psychological "onion" kept peeling back and I discovered more and more of what is important to me. As I let go of a lot of the historical "stuff" I became freer, I rediscovered how to have fun and laugh (sometimes at the silliest things).
My marriage went from a 7ish to a 10 -- and we are constantly redefining what a 10 is for it keeps getting better all the time. In my life, I show up very differently -- I love myself uncritically and unjudgementally -- so I can love others completely. Also, by focusing out I get to give of myself totally -- and the more I give the more I receive in return.
I encourage everyone to embark in this wonderful journey of freedom, enlightenment and transformation!