What value have you created from any of the workshops or LP?
By TomFox
#36 Throughout my life I had excelled in school, work, socially. However, two years ago I thought I had reached my full potential. I was at a plateau in my life. I had achieved all that I had wanted. I was a successful young adult on track for great things. I constantly recieved feedback that things were working in my life. But to me something was missing? I was still very passive in my life with no real desire to achieve.

A friend who I trusted suggested I take these workshops. I of course said, "What do I have to lose?" And there was a point during the Advanced course where the feedback that had been given to me all my life finally sunk in.

I am a leader! People look to me for direction when I choose to show up and lead.

Since then it has been a wild down hill ride. I have discovered how to have fun again. I have created new positions at my work (all ending in Lead or Manager), new relationships in my life, life-long friends... But what I cherish the most is my realization of the difference I make in this world just by being me.