What value have you created from any of the workshops or LP?
By amanda cochrane
#29 When I walked into the Basic Training almost a year and a half ago, I was excited to be there, but very skeptical of what it was all about. Being skeptical, not trusting and being right about it was nothing new for me. My marriage was at the brink of divorce and I had lost a huge part of who I authentically was being so wrapped up in parenting.

After the trainings, I saw how I had contributed to where my marriage and life was. From that I didn't feel blame, I felt empowered, because if I had created things as they were, then I could change them!! Not a therapist or counselor, but ME!!! I suddenly realized that I had the tools to create an extraordinary life all along, they were just buried deep within me.

Today, my marriage and family are better than ever and I have a self confidence that I can make ANYTHING I choose happen! It is a great place to be!!! :D