What value have you created from any of the workshops or LP?
By Leadership
#217 Through the trainings, I have been able to connect to myself and my heart. I express myself freely, and have come into my own. Once I connected with myself, I was able to really reach out and touch the people in my life. I have transformed the quality of the relationships with my family and become completely responsible for having us have the relationships we want. I have also owned my power to make a difference for people and gotten clear on my vision in life. I am now living from my vision on a daily basis.
I have also been looking for a relationship with a woman for a while that was really worthwhile and fulfilling. And, I found it when I least expected it. I actually didn't have to work as hard for it as I had in previous relationships because I was being a man that attracted the woman I was looking for. My life has really taken off and I feel great, loving every moment and living it to the fullest. I'm now coming from a place of total possibility and anything that I want to make happen, it's up to me. Truly been a fantastic journey.
By Leadership
#235 we all have heard it a million times " how does this show up in your life" and i normaly hear it when things are not quite how i would like them to turn out. but lately i have asked myself this and it has been all on the up side of life. during lp i took on a project that involved a 3 day long electronic music festival. it was like a mirror for LP, we had the projects, emails, conference calls, weekends. the biggest part that hit was being direct and holding others big. just looking for what people wanted to do and holding them big and responcible for something they love doing. when we did this for our group project and other events i reflected that in my involvment in the festival and just held other huge and got them excited about the vision of a 3 day long event. so this does show up in my life and now it is showoing up in a way that i want to be and progress. in the end everyone seems to want to bring people together...."how does this show up in my life" well, that is why i am smiling.

danny LaPointe
nc 91
fire it up