Pre-Basic, I used to think I had to do everything myself or it wouldn't get done, or maybe it would get done but it wouldn't be right. I thought I had to handle everything -- my own circumstances and those of everyone around me -- all by myself. I held the other people in my life small, as though without my contribution they couldn't handle their lives. And at the same time, no matter how bad things got in my own life, or how much others wanted to help me, I would not let them on my team because I thought if I couldnt' do it by myself then I was weak and a failure - it wasn't winning to me if I needed help, no matter how big the challenge. I had to do it all myself.
What I got from Legacy was the deep, true, real knowledge that I had it all backwards. When I give the people in my life the credit and respect of being able to handle their own lives -- when I hold them big -- they are capable of transcending their own circumstances. And when I open my heart and allow others to be on my team, I'm not burdening them, but am giving them the gift of the opportunity to be of service, and the gift of valuing their unique skills and contributions. Just as I derive joy from helping others, they derive joy from helping me. When I have others to help, suddenly so much more is possible, and the doing is much more fun with friends. Asking for help does not make me weak -- it makes me strong, because others have different gifts than I and together we create magic. It makes me strong because I get to OK with being one woman and not Hercules. I get to be vulnerable, and in that space, I get to find strength.
My relationships are so different, too. While I have not (yet!!) enrolled my family in the trainings, I have used my own training to coach my brother into taking proactive steps to leave the past in the past and start building the future he wants. When I was growing up, he was a total stand for me, five years my senior and totally committed to loving and nurturing me. He still cares for me this way. For me to be able to return that love, through the gift of coaching, has been so meaningful for me.
And I've created deeper relationships with my other brothers and my father. In each instance, when I discovered myself in old patterns that didn't feel right, I hosed myself off and tried something new - and I've been quietly astonished by the results of shifting myself and my approach just a little. I create vastly different results when I let go of what things are "supposed" to look like, and give them space to just be as they are, and love them as perfect.
My father was diagnosed with cancer this summer. Because in the past year he's come to realize, through my way of being, that it's OK to be vulnerable with me, he shared his fears with me during testing and before diagnosis. I got to be a support to him through that scary time, and during his current treatment. What really struck me was when I realized he hadn't shared his fears with my brothers; just mom and me. That's really a departure from his history, and I created that. My Dad trusts and respects me. To really get that is such a huge gift.
I could just keep writing. I'm on top of my game at work; I'm pursuing my personal dreams of love and travel; I'm still working on my home (fellow Elpees, you'll be pleased to know the floor I declared progress on all through LP is finally complete!) making progress and creating excellence there; and I'm still spoiling my dogs AND not letting them run my life. I'm coaching my friends and coworkers when they come up against it and helping them realize win-wins in their own lives, as my seniors (thank you Vince and Sherif!) helped me realize in my own life. I am having fun, enjoying my life truly, and dreaming very big for myself and all those in my life, and I know without a doubt that Legacy was crucial in my getting to this place.