- Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:39 pm
I notice that my vision keeps growing, expanding, evolving...at a basic level, it involves human beings recognizing their capacity to invent their lives and making choices to have their lives matter in service to other people.
I keep myself connected to my vision in these ways:
*surrounding myself with people who have a passion for making a difference in the world, are honest, and are authentic
*asking questions more than answering them
*using a Committed Action vs. Psychological Assessment chart I received in LP
*involving myself in new ventures professionally and personally which require that I risk...challenging myself to "step into the unknown" (and I see that I could be doing a lot more of that!)
*experiencing my life and the lives of others vs. assessing/evaluating my life and the lives of others...I'm not saying that I don't evaluate at all. I am saying that I notice that when I only participate in life through that frame, I'm not really participating, my experience is flat, and I disengage/disconnect from the people and things that really matter to me--i.e. I become separate and life becomes conceptual.
*listening to people beyond their masks/images...and having compassion for raw humanity
*answering these discussion questions...they challenge me to think and reflect!
*keeping a discovery journal--asking questions that are relevant for me at the time and answering them with the purpose of exploring, revealing, uncovering
*reading books that deal with universal principles/laws
*openly receiving feedback--Sometimes, this supports me in seeing beyond my own world view...my blinders come off, and I see parts of my own humanity and the belief systems of others that I didn't see before...which leads back to recognizing, in richer and richer ways, the resiliency and amazing inventive capacity of human beings.
NC 19, PhD1