Discussion of WorldLegacy Leadership, Teen and other projects in the community.
Bymardi nc 31
#134 This party is open to all and any who want to uphold choice in our country. Wed. 26th night my basement 7pm. Bring one tee shirt, old,new,used. paints acr.or perment markers i have some so don't buy any. Any food or drink to share.

t-shirt that articulates your concerns about Harriet
Meirs and/or the Supreme Court, and submit it to the
coalition. We will be displaying hundreds of these
t-shirts from activists across North Carolina on a
clothesline alongside our rally to create a powerful,
symbolic and visual representation of our concerns.

for more details go to http://www.ppfa.org/pp2/cnc/files/cnc/JAFJ2.xml

i live at 506 jones franklin rd. 27606 raleigh
