How have you used the WorldLegacy trainings in your life? We want to know.
By bobbienc63
#16 I completed LP about a year and a half ago. At that time I didn't have a clue what was in store for me. My husband and I had a good enough marriage and I was talking with my mother and all my sisters (5). But recently my mother's health has begun to fail and by focusing out I have created much closer bonds with my sisters and we created a space for Mom to make a decision about her living arrangements. She has been frightened to give up her independent living and go into assisted living. But in just a few short days she will be living in a much safer environment. We looked at all of the possibilities and she chose assisted living. I believe that with the lessons I have learned through the trainings, I was able to cut down the drama that frequently happens when a life changing decision needs to be made. And I created peace and love in my family.