How have you used the WorldLegacy trainings in your life? We want to know.
By karennc119
#402 My life before the trainings was okay I guess...I was sort of just blind to it and went about the everyday without much awareness. I can't really remember other than that. After the trainings I am more aware of things such as interpretations, "get to" verses "have to" and how I can change my perspective into a more positive one if I want to and that its a choice. I see that how I interpret things is an indication of where I am coming from and again I can change it if I want. I understand that I'm not a victim to things...things don't happening "to" me, but rather i am choosing it...sometimes I still forget this one.

I am a LOVING, CREATIVE, WORTHY WOMAN! I am an's hard for me to say that because of judgements I put on myself but as of the trainings its easier and I'm more able to embrace my creativity. One of the greatest things created out of my trainings is The Red Thread Visionaries a group dedicated to changing the world one service project at a time. Without the trainings I NEVER would have thought it would be something I could do. Impossible things don't seem quite so big now.

I want people to enroll in the trainings so they can learn to harness their power, come to understand they are source and be able to manifest what it is they want in their life...It definitely changed mine!

Val Carney NC 152