How have you used the WorldLegacy trainings in your life? We want to know.
By dannync42
#52 Monica (NC42, NC76) asked me to post this here as we completed Advanced and LP together almost four years ago.

On Sunday of my basic, I declared that I'd move to New York City even though I didn't have a job, know anyone here or have any way to make it happen. I didn't really have a reason that I could explain, I just knew that I wanted to live here and that I only had one shot at life with which to experience it.

My path from there was as varied as anyone could have predicted but due to what I learned in the trainings, the support of people I met as well as my own commitment and intention have resulted in me living a life I never dreamed possible.

I now live in a great apartment on 96th and Broadway, have the closest thing to a dream job (since the Yankees aren't calling back to let me play first base) and have met a ton of great people that I'm honored to call friends.

So, if you're coming to NYC, send me an email and let's get together!
By phinc43
#71 You da man!!