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#344 WorldLegacy Graduate in Botswana
Jane Arnold, WorldLegacy Graduate NC 90, has been in Botswana for a year, building a state of the art Hospital. Botswana is one of three countries in Southern Africa that maintains a constant HIV rate of 20% among adults 18-39. She is a remarkable woman and has shared these photos with us. Jane Arnold went through WorldLegacy’s Basic, Advanced and NC90 Leadership Program. Jane Arnold was WorldLegacy’s PhD8 upper level Leadership Program where she created a workshop on midwifery. Jane Arnold went through WorldLegacy’s Basic, Advanced and NC90 Leadership Program. Jane Arnold was a coach for WorldLegacy. The stigma of HIV is profound. Within the year the government and Harvard’s School of Public health released a study done with HIV positive pregnant women taking anti-virals during and after pregnancy and exclusively breastfeeding their infants for six months. The rate of transmission of HIV through breast milk to babies was 1%. In a joyous moment, a 19 year old police woman I took care of during labor and delivery, who was in the study, sent me a text message that her 6 month old infant was HIV negative. Such news decreases stigma. Prior to the study, all HIV positive moms bottle-fed their infants. A subtle dynamic exits between social change and suffering. As HIV testing and treatment become more available , an increasing population of the elderly with AIDS stress the economy and the demand for women to care for them grows. Children watch their parents die of AIDS because treatment was not available. The concentric circles grow and we are left bound together by our silence and dismay. Read more at
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